Thank you for your interest in learning about Ikenobo Ikebana lessons.
As you can see from viewing our website, Ikenobo Ikebana arrangements vary from the very traditional to the more modern styles: there is much to learn. Professors in our Chapter who teach start from the basic concepts of the art and let students develop their preferences for the various styles as their knowledge of Ikenobo Ikebana grows. Although the Professor/student relationships are outside our Chapter activities, Chapter members normally study with one of our Chapter's certified Professors of Ikenobo Ikebana.
General Lesson Information:
There are no term contracts to sign for Ikebana lessons. Lessons rates are as specified by the Professor and will vary depending on the cost of material if the Professor provides it.
Professors normally conduct classes at their homes or at small group locations. Lessons last about one hour and thirty minutes. Each class may have a mix of skill levels (from beginner to advanced) with instruction and arrangement styles tailored for each student’s skill level.
Basic equipment needed by the student includes a container, Ikebana scissors, and Kenzan (needle frogs). Beginning students often use the Professor's containers and Kenzan until they obtain their own. Students should bring a pencil and notebook to class for sketching the arrangement and recording notes for themselves. Professors normally prepare arrangement material for beginning students, and for advanced students if requested.
Our chapter currently doesn't have any active teaching professor. Chapter members meet once a month and practice Ikebana as a small group. Please send email to Sharon Chong at [email protected] if you are interested to get on a waiting list.